Who We Are

Gospel City Church is a new church plant in Long Beach, CA. We aim to create a hospitable environment where everyone feels welcomed and people discover Jesus.

Our church is led by a team of elders who provide shepherding care and leadership for the people of Gospel City. We also call them our “pastors.”
Our Elders
Nick Ranieri
Nick Ranieri is the lead pastor and planter of Gospel City Church. Nick and his family were sent by Imago Dei Church in Downey, CA to plant a new church in Long Beach. Nick and his wife Jaci have called Long Beach home for the last 12 years. Together they have three kids. Nick loves good coffee, heavy-dairy desserts, and competing in fitness races.
Nick has a deep desire to help people experience deep friendship with Jesus. He is eager see more churches started in Long Beach and to the nations.
Aaron Engel
Aaron Engel is an elder and one of the founding members of Gospel City Church. Aaron has more passion and joy than most anyone you’ve ever met. He’s a major extrovert who loves being with people. He makes a mean tomatillo salsa and even dabbles in baking sourdough bread. He’s an avid fan of the Lakers and Chargers, and he’s always down for a board game of any kind.
Aaron is passionate about helping people find all their joy and satisfaction in knowing Jesus. He’s committed to showing everyone that to be a Christian, is to be the happiest man around, no matter what comes!
Brian Benson
Brian Benson is an elder and one of the founding members of Gospel City Church. He is a servant through and through. He cares so deeply about people and truly displays the kindness and compassion of Jesus. You can always count on Brian to figure out how to fix a problem and not matter how difficult it is, he’ll assure you it’s possible. Brian is a man full of big expectations of God and he will spur you on to ask BIG things of Jesus!
Our church is served by a team of deacons who help meet practical needs and promote unity. Deacons embody exemplary Christlike character and help our church grow in healthy ways.
Our Deacons
Terrill Smith
Heidi Benson
Church Staff
Caity Engel
Caity oversees the internal operations of Gospel City. She has the answer to pretty much every question regarding our church. She helps ensure that our church is organized by overseeing serve teams, coordinating events, and church communications. Caity cares deeply for people and exudes the hospitable love of Jesus. And she’s one of the most approachable and kind people you’ll meet!
Caity and her husband have three children. She loves hanging out with her family and spending time outside in the sunshine and near the water. Sounds like Long Beach was a great choice!
Cat Schult
Hannah Hagen
Our Sending Church
Imago Dei Church is our “sending church”, which means they sent us out to plant Gospel City and continue to support us in an abundance of ways.