Membership Process

Membership Statement of Faith
Click the link to view the statement of faith that all our Members agree to. There is a more detailed statement of faith that our Elders affirm, which you can view in our Membership Handbook.
Exploring what the Bible says about being a church
The Church is a People
What should we want in a church? Well, we should want what the Bible tells us is best. So what exactly does the Bible say about what a church should be?
The Church Gathers
Exploring why the in-person Sunday gathering is so vital in order for the church to be the church.
The Church Commits to One Another
The church is a body where every member matters. Each part is held together by the covenant love of Jesus, and by our commitment to love one another.
Being a Word & Spirit Church
We are wholly committed to the authority of the Bible, and the Christ-exalting operation of all spiritual gifts.
The Church Has Shepherds
Jesus is our Chief Shepherd, and because He cares for us He has given the church structure. Qualified elders are to lead, shepherd, teach, and care for the church.
The Church Disciplines
Because Jesus loves His church, He gives us clear instruction for how to go on a rescue mission for those caught in unrepentant sin.